Invitation letter for Vietnam Cyber Security Day 2022


To: Business and Organization Management Team

With a view of promoting cyber security activities for the implementation of the National digital transformation strategy in Vietnam, on November 30th 2023, the Vietnam Information Security Association (VNISA) will hold an conference with the theme “Establish secure cyberspace promote the construction and exploitation of digital data in Vietnam” at Melia Hotel, Hanoi.

This is the 16th annual event of Vietnam Cyber Security Day, hosted by the VNISA, in coordination with the Authority of Information Security (Ministry of Information and Communications), under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Information and Communications.

With a topical and pressing theme, this year’s conference will focus on analyzing the Government’s policies and international experience on strengthening cyber security; current situation, demand for application and development of cyber security technologies in Vietnam in the current period.

The VNISA hopes that this will be a place to connect and share cyber security issues between state agencies, corporations, organizations and enterprises providing cyber security products and services; an area to propose new ideas of leading experts on cyber security in Vietnam and internationally; a platform to inspire and contribute to mobilizing all the potential and intellectual strength of the Vietnamese people to put Vietnam among the leading countries in cyber security

This conference and exhibition is also a opportunity for Vietnames enterprises to introduce advanced Make In Vietnam cyber security solutions, services and products with potential partners at home and abroad.

In order for the Vietnam Cyber Security Day 2023 event to be a success, the VNISA is looking forward to continuing receive the support and companionship of organizations and enterprises in the field of Information Technology, Cyber Security and international organizations.

Yours sincerely.

Chairman of VNISA      


Mr. Nguyen Thanh Hung